Corporate Credit Risk Specialist

Inecobank CJSC
Job Address
Application Deadline
Banking, Finance and Accounting
Yerevan, Armenia
- Secondary analysis of commercial loans - Analysis of commercial loans jointly with business units - Making decisions on approval of loans within the scope of the unit authorities, provision of opinion on loans outside the scope of authorities to the approving body. - Provision of professional assistance to the relevant business unit within the framework of preparation and analysis of credit applications - Development of internal legal acts regulating commercial lending, making amendments to existing legal acts
Required Qualifications
- 1+ years of work experience (in business lending) - Knowledge of credit risk management - Knowledge of basics of accounting - Knowledge of Russian and English - Good knowledge of MS Office - Ability to plan and organize activities - Ability to work in tense situations and orientate quickly - Initiative - Ability to analyze - Determination and flexibility - Honesty - Professional skepticism - Ability to make sound judgements
Application Procedures
Apply here Please mention in your application that you have learned about this position from